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KYC Verification
Written by Funded Prime
Updated over a week ago

Any traders that pass their challenge will be asked to complete KYC verification to become funded. We will ask for the relevant documentation as soon as a challenge is completed, the following identification is accepted:

  • Passport

  • Driving Licence

  • ID card

We have partnered with Sumsub for seamless KYC verification in just a few simple steps:

  • Identity verification

    • Take a picture of your ID with your mobile, it is automatically captured when in the frame.

    • The system pre screens the ID to make sure it's acceptable and not expired.

    • Full ID verification in a matter of seconds.

  • Selfie check

    • Go through the liveness check - this simply involves turning your head in front of the camera for a second.

Once KYC verification is completed funded traders will be sent the login details for their funded accounts.

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