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Maximum Allocations
Written by Funded Prime
Updated over a week ago

Challenge Accounts

Funded Prime allows each user an unlimited amount of capital during the challenge phases. Traders can stack as many different challenge account types and sizes as they like, with just one exception:

The only exception to this is for our One Step accounts.

  • No more than $50,000 of capital can be held in a One-Step challenge account at any one time.

  • Traders are free to trade $50,000 in one step capital alongside an unlimited amount of other account types.

  • Once a One-Step account reaches the funded phase, traders are free to purchase another $50,000 worth of capital in One Step Challenge accounts.

Funded Accounts

Funded traders can start with up to $400,000 of capital, and can scale up to $2,000,000 in capital through our scaling plan.

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