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Maximum Drawdown
Written by Funded Prime
Updated over a week ago

2-Step & 3-Step Accounts

Funded Prime 2 and 3-Step accounts both have a static maximum drawdown of 8%. A static drawdown is calculated on the starting balance only, not the equity, and exceeding this drawdown limit is a breach of trading conditions and will result in account closure.

Example - $100,000 2-Step account has a maximum drawdown limit of $10,000, meaning if the account drops below $92,000 at any time then it will be closed. As this is a static drawdown then this limit will always remain at $92,000 regardless of the account balance/equity.

1-Step Accounts

Funded Prime 1-Step accounts have a trailing maximum drawdown limit of 6%. A trailing drawdown trails the growth of a trading account, which means the drawdown limit will change based on the equity/balance of the account.

Example - $100,000 1-Step account grows to $106,000, the new maximum drawdown for this account will be 106,000-106,000*6% = $99,640.

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